Steam Boilers for
Hospitals & Health Care

Steam Boilers for Hospitals & Health Care
How Miura Fits into a Hospital or Healthcare System
As the world leader in ultra-low NOx modular on-demand steam solutions, Miura modular boilers are reliable, safe, and highly adaptive to the fluctuating steam demands of hospitals and other medical facilities. Many hospitals around the globe choose our EX-Series Dual Fuel Steam Boiler that quickly and easily switches between #2 oil and natural gas/propane when needed. This satisfies the NFPA-110 Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems and Ontario Government Emergency Fuel Distribution Protocol which require critical facilities such as hospitals a minimum of 96 hours fuel-supply backup . Capable of efficiently supplying steam under fluctuating load demands, Miura industrial boilers offer space-savings incentives that transform and improve the layout and functionality of your new or existing boiler room and will keep your steam going in the event of an occurring boiler issue.
STEAM BOILERS FOR Hospitals & Health care
Clean, sterilized instruments is one of the most important components of a health care facility or hospital. Hospital laboratories and operating rooms use autoclave sterilizers on a regular basis to sterilize a wide variety of instruments needed for medical procedures. Usually, steam is the preferred way to power the autoclave sterilizer. An autoclave works by using steam to heat medical instruments above boiling point, which sanitizes them. The hospital’s boilers need to be a good source of on-demand steam so that the autoclave is available to sterilize instruments whenever they need to. Miura’s flexible systems are so fast to start the boiler is always ready to provide steam at short notice. Miura also offers full water treatment services to be sure the autoclave is getting clean steam for sterilization and longevity of the system.
STEAM BOILERS FOR Hospitals & Health Care
House Steam
Healthcare facilities are still large buildings that need hospitality, and a powerful, consistent source of steam is required to provide steam heat to whole hospital or facility. Therefore, high power Miura boilers are the most convenient option. Hospitals of all sizes typically have a minimum of one boiler always running, with often a concert of other boilers working together to provide for the hospitals needs. More so than most places, hospitals can’t afford to be without a functioning boiler for very long and so Miura’s MI or BP control systems come in to manage and regulate the facilities boilers and minimize shutdowns.
Hospitals & Health Care
Blog Articles

St. Thomas Elgin Optimizes Steam Demand
ST THOMAS ELGIN HOSPITAL – CASE STUDY Industry : Hospitals and Health Care Optimizing Steam Demand with the BP Panel System Abstract: St. Thomas Elgin General

Modular Systems for Peak Hospital Efficiency
Flexible Steam for an Efficient Hospital Energy System A modular boiler system functions like a single boiler, despite being made up of individual boilers that run
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