Products & Services


Eco-Friendly Water Treatment

The main ingredient of Miura’s BOILERMATE® is Silicate, a corrosion inhibitor. Silicate is a naturally-occurring material that is ideal for water treatment in Miura’s once-through boilers. Years of research and experience have shown that water tube corrosion can be controlled by balancing the amount of silicate in the water and the corrosive ions.

BOILERMATE® is environmentally-friendly and controls the corrosive ions without the need for additional harmful chemicals. This environmentally-friendly product supplements Miura’s other “green” benefits and provides our customers with the best possible water treatment. Miura manufactures BOILERMATE® in our facility in Brantford, Ontario (Canada).

A Miura employee in PPE fills a Boilermate barrel

With seven types of Boilermate chemicals available, there is always a solution for your steam system's unique needs.

All-in-One Boiler Water Treatment

Complete boiler feed water solution designed to protect against corrosion and small amounts of hardness.

    • Corrosion Inhibitor: Silica prevents corrosion by facilitating a passivation layer to protect tubes against chloride, sulfate, oxygen, and other corrosive ions.
    • pH Booster: By raising the pH, it significantly reduces corrosion rates in the boiler
    • Scale Dispersant: To prevent any scale formation, a minimal amount of EDTA is injected to attack the ≤1 ppm of hardness that may leak past the softener.
    • No activation time required: Unlike oxygen scavengers, the passivation silica layer form immediately and does not require activation time.

Scale Dispersant and Remover

Instead of soaking the scale to dissolve it, this chemical works by chelating the scale and slowly removing it.

  • No Shutdown Time: It removes the scale without stopping boiler operation
  • Chelating: To prevent and remove scale, the chemical bonds with the hardness instead of hardness bonding with the tube walls.
  • Scale Monitor Temperature: Along with the Miura boiler's scale monitor thermocouple, it monitors the presence and removal of scale from the boiler tubes during boiler operation.

Condensate Return Treatment

Neutralizing amine protects the condensate return line from corrosion.

  • Neutralizing Amine:  Morpholine and cyclohexylamine boost the pH of the condensate return water to protect against corrosion.
  • Boost pH: Neutralizing Amines react with the CO2 to prevent the creation of carbonic acid which would lower the pH into a corrosive range for condensate return.

Condensate Return Treatment

More concentrated for neutralizing amine protects the condensate return line from corrosion.

  • Neutralizing Amine:  Morpholine and cyclohexylamine boost the pH of the condensate return water to protect against corrosion.
  • Boost pH: Neutralizing Amines react with the CO2 to prevent the creation of carbonic acid which would lower the pH into a corrosive range for condensate return.

Corrosion Inhibitor

Neutralizing pH levels to limit corrosion. 

  • Concentrated:  scavenging type chemical 
  • Sulfite: Strong concentration of sulfite to neutralize pH

pH Booster

    • Sulfite: moderate concentration of sulfites to neutralize pH
    • pH Booster: By raising the pH, it significantly reduces corrosion rates in the boiler
    • Scale Dispersant:  Scavenging type with dispersant to prevent any scale formation

Supplemental pH Booster

Reduce corrosion with higher pH levels during low-load operations and wet layup preparation.

  • pH Booster: pH boosting chemical raises the pH, which can inhibit general corrosion at higher levels. Keeping the pH high within the boiler is important for reducing corrosion rates.
  • Supplemental Chemical:  This chemical adds extra support to properly protect the boiler system. Use BM7100 during low operation load and wet layup preparation.
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