Water Services
Water Treatment Services

Why Choose Miura Water Treatment Programs?
Water is the lifeblood of the boiler system. Everything starts with water. With a Miura Water Treatment Program, we analyze the water that is coming to your facility, find out it’s quality and what potential problems it can cause, and we provide you solutions. To deliver the highest efficiency, it can’t just be the boiler, it has to be all the components working together.
Boiler water treatment programs are used to control alkalinity, prevent scaling, correct pH, and control conductivity. Boiler Pre-Water treatment is also key and Miura ensures you are covered with pre-water analysis and providing state-of-the-art equipment as a part of the solution. Miura’s Water Treatment Solutions include Progressive flow Softeners, RO with ROI, other pre-filtration needs arranged and monitored by Miura.
At Miura Canada, we take care of your boiler investment inside and out with pride.
Let Miura Address Boiler Problems Before They Start
Reduce downtime and costly repairs with the winning combination of Water Softening, Chemicals, and our Preventative Maintenance Package. Repairs can be time-consuming and are costly, not to mention the costs associated with loss of production due to the boiler being down for an extended period of time. Regular testing, both at your site and at our lab keeps you ahead of any issues that might arise. We offer cross-Canada water testing services by mail. We provide the bottles and instructions for you to collect the samples and mail them to our lab for expert analysis.

Miura’s water treatment minimizes hardness leakage using Miura’s Colormetry hardness detection to monitor the treated water. If detected, Miura’s MW water softener utilizes it’s dual tank design for the ultimate reliability of consistently treated water. Miura has a monitoring and maintenance program with many checkpoints that are critical to the system to be monitored regularly, this helps our customers to stay on top of maintenance.
Full System Communication
Water treatment solutions are integrated into the entire steam system’s advanced IoT technology. From water softeners to feedwater tanks, your water treatment is centrally controlled and automated. The chemicals fed into the system is fully automated so that injection is based on the amount of steam manufactured by the boiler which is the best way to inject and maintain stable chemistry in the system.
Miura’s BOILERMATE water chemicals are made from naturally occurring minerals that protect once-through boilers from scale and corrosion without using chemicals that are harmful to the environment.
Complete Steam Solutions
Miura can provide everything your steam boiler needs to perform at optimal efficiency. Your boiler is backed by the best water treatment designed to deliver reliable, efficient, and quality steam.
Pressure Vessel Guarantee Program
When you use BOILERMATE in your Miura boiler and Miura Maintenance Contract. We guarantee your Pressure Vessel against corrosion. Learn More
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